Friday, December 17, 2004

Randomizer (Series I Volume V)

- I never really understood the popular imagery surrounding roses until the other morning when I was gardening. Man, I really pricked myself while trying do some pruning. Such a beautiful plant, such a painful prick....maybe I should write a song about it.

- It would be really cool to travel back into time and see how correct or incorrect our traditional notions are of certain things. What if the "wild west" really wasn't that wild or what if Helen of Troy was really just an average looking girl or what if the Knights Templar were just a group of guys who needed some time away from their wives so they could drink. There is a giant grey void that seperates factual history from popular romanticism, it would be fun to bridge the span and get the real picture. But then again, some of those embellishments and mysteries are what makes history such a fun subject to study.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or see what really went on in the Garden of Eden???
