Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Running off the rough edges

I came to a certain understanding the other morning while I was slogging away on the treadmill. I was somewhere between miles 4 and 5 and I was desperately trying to keep my mind occupied and away from the fact that I was jogging for that long. The mental exercise involved me replaying some of my finest athletic achievements from my youth, keep in mind that they are few and far between, and then determining whether or not I could replay those feats in my current physical condition. The conclusion?


I no longer have that burst or ability to cut quickly. I guess that happens with age. I even observe it while watching the older players in the NBA or NFL. The player no longer has the ability to dart or weave so his actions become more measured, more controlled, more economical. It’s just a fact of life. As we get older our flashes of brilliance get replaced with more level play. I suppose that this analogy can carry over to a wider range of relevance.

When we are young we want the music loud, the movie big, and the extra value meal. We think in terms of big returns, massive ratings, and big curves. As we get older our experience and wisdom kick in. We start to balance our checkbook, watch our diet, and think in more tempered moderation. A large part of that may be due to the fact that we have more at stake- family, career, etc…- and that we are responsible for more things then just ourselves.

So we evolve. I look at myself and see that the rough edges and spiky hair have been replaced with softer features and a more corporate look. I work within my limitations but I also still see possibility. Aging isn’t all that bad once you get used to it. Instead of preparing for a sprint I am trying for a long distance race. There is still much that can be attained and accomplished. I don’t mind the process so long as you don’t fill up my closet with a bunch of chinos and polo shirts.

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