Sunday, June 12, 2011

The collective human experience

A good portion of my free book time is spent towards history. Oftentimes we are so consumed with the issues of the 'here and now' that we forget to truly educate ourselves or to enjoy the triumphs and tragedies of our forebearers.  So replace that copy of "The Millionaire Next Door" with a book regarding an age or a time that truly interests you.

And if you don't  find value in history, the words of Hugh Nibley, taken from 'Approaching Zion' offer you a good reason as to why you should.

"By neglecting to consult the writings of the ancients, we miss the fact that in their trials and triumphs, individually and collectively, they had to undergo exactly the same trials that we do: the props of the plays, the technology, and the fashions, wear out and are constantly being replaced, but the issues and the plot always remain the same."

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