Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Becoming reacquainted with 'the man'

I recently made the decision to go back to a full time corporate job.  With us now getting ready for a kid it just made sense. I will be leaving the sometimes thrilling and sometimes crushing world of entrepreneurship and joining the throngs of us who are indentured to 'the man'*.  I am excited for the opportunity but there are few things that will be missed.  Among them:

  1. The freedom: I will miss having incredible flexibility in my schedule and having the ability to, at the drop of the hat, pull off a road trip or getaway.  Here's to a quick accumulation of vacation days.
  2. The public restroom:  On occasion I would work out of a public library.  For the most part it worked well.  The notable exception being when a restroom visit was required.  My GI tract probably suffered insurmountable damage due to my fear in going in there. About as third world as Scottsdale can get.
  3. The Tax deductions: It was certainly fun to try and justify every expense as 'business related'.  Every January was like a treasure hunt as I danced through the myriad deductions available for the small business.
  4. The Mutual Fundification of my income:  It is very nice knowing that if you lose business from one source you have it coming in from some other ones.  In these uncertain times when a layoff is just around every corner it is essential that you can draw upon another cash cow.
  5. The cachet of calling yourself an entrepreneur: Ok, I'm not sure how much cachet exists, but there is a certain adventure to being one.  Since I can't be an adventurer, this was the close second.
I'm sure that there are several other reasons why I'll miss what I've done and what I built with Lacuna.  They will probably reveal themselves slowly over the next few weeks as I try to acclimate to the corporate lifestyle.

*By the way, who is this man and why do so many of us have to work for him?  

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