Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Very Short Essay: Why I love Beulah

I have never lived in a big city with a very strong urban core like New York or San Francisco. I've never been considered particularly hip. I don't attend many house parties, gallery openings, or clubs. And my artistic sensibilities are quite questionable.

But if I was hip, and I did live in one of these big cities, and I possessed a good sense of art, and I were to attend cool parties on a regular basis than I'd have to imagine that Beulah would be one of the artists on my playlist.

Listen to a couple of their songs and I'm willing to bet that you will want to join me in subletting a townhouse over in Cow Hollow.

It's a shame they are no longer with us. At least we still have the music of their former leader, Miles Kurosky.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

