The problem with is the sheer depth of offerings and the ease at which one can make a purchase. Combine that with a scatterbrained mind and you have a recipe for a tower of books on top of my night stand that is getting babelesque.
Here is what I currently have in the active queue.
- The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle- This came with such a high recommendation from Jason Hansen that I was willing to over look the Oprah accolades. I'm still just a few chapters in but I feel like he does a good job of bringing Eastern thought to a western audience. We live in such tumultuous and distracting times that we rarely reach the inner peace that Eckhart talks about.
- The Revolution, Ron Paul- The more I take into account my political thinking the more the Libertarian platform resonates. This book was loaned to me by my Camelback hiking buddy, Chris West. I will always value liberty and individuality and I am often perplexed by people who think that Government needs to be the answer to so many things.
- Around the Roman Table, Patrick Faas- I love Roman history and I love the culinary arts. This is the perfect marriage. While I will never be a huge fan of Garum I do enjoy reading about the role that food played throughout Roman history. There are even some recipes in there for those bold enough to recreate a Roman dinner.
- Exploring the Lands of the Book of Mormon- I had an earlier version of this book when I was a kid and in love with the archeology of the Toltecs, Olmecs, and Maya. While I don't ever feel that there will be enough archeology to ever convince the skeptic of the veracity of the Book of Mormon I do enjoy reading about history of the region and the similarities between the Book and recorded history and archeological evidence.
- On Grattitude, Todd Jensen- This is from a cherished cousin. Todd interviews celebrities for a living and over the course of several years he has captured their expressions of gratitude. They range from truly heartfelt to somewhat odd.
- Mexifornia, Victor Davis Hanson- I am often perplexed out how complicated we have made what should be a rather straightforward issue, immigration. Hanson creates an interesting narrative based on his experience growing up and living in Central California. He has some interesting points and observations but I wish he would have provided more science and statistics to back up his assertions.
- Road to Serfdom, FA Hayek- The bible for those who believe in political freedom and hate centrally planned economies. His book sprang out of his observations from Europe leading up to and just after World War II. I have just started this book but, based on the wide ranging opinions for good and bad, it should be an interesting read.