Sunday, October 16, 2005

Good Dad/Bad Dad

Words cannot express my love for my daughter. Her presence has brought an immense joy into our life that money, words, or accolades cannot match. But there are strings attached to this joy, mainly a complete restructuring of our once comfortable lifestyle and a trial of our patience.
Every now and again Alexandra will get in a sour mood. There is certain protocol that is to be followed to calm her down. This usually consists of music, various types of rocking, and routine and it typically works 90% of the time. But there is the rare occasion where none of this will work and she her cries will grow increasingly loud and desperate. My patience grows thin with each passing minute until it is on the verge of snapping. What should I do here?
My first inclination would be to calmly set her in the crib or rocker and walk away. She can cry herself to sleep. I have, afterall, done everything humanly possible to assuage her infant pains. My wife typically doesn't agree with this approach and is an advocate of waiting out her cries, however long they should last. So am I bad dad for knowing when to set her down? Should I rush in every time she starts to whine? I am torn and am trying to find a middle ground between abandoning my baby girl and over pampering her. Maybe additional thought or one of my wise friends will help me deal with this.


Anonymous said...

Jens, Ash and I have been doing the "cry it out" routine from the get go. Little Kenedy has had only one such episode that you described; last night. It was more because I woke her up to change her and she got scared. Other than that, I'm from the school of if they aren't hungry or stinky, let them cry. I think kids learn one way or the other.

Ronifer269 said...

Well we have two different opinions. Interestingly enough one is from a women and the other from a man. Maybe the two disparate approaches have something to do with gender?
