Wednesday, January 19, 2005


It seems like everything I get all of my ducks in a row and start to acclimate myself to a certain stage in life, something happens to make me alter my course. This year is no exception. After a year and half my wife and I are finally pregnant. And with this pregnancy comes a multitude of changes that will completely affect every facet of our lives. And we thought having a dog required adjustments!
Anyways, words cannot adequately express the excitement that I have regarding the upcoming birth. I have looked forward to fatherhood for quite some time. All of those hours spent creating parenting strategies and planning family trips will finally be realized. I just hope that I am ready for this awesome responsibility. Oftentimes my thoughts will uncover inadequacies. Some of them real and some of them created by an overly active mind. Either way I am counting on plenty of help from up above on this endeavor.

1 comment:

Ronifer269 said...

Thanks for the visit Christi, I'll have to visit your place.
