Friday, August 04, 2006

A new day....a new life

I have been conspicuously absent from my blog for the past several months. This absence wasn't due to wontful neglect or busyness but, rather, due to an unbelievably difficult set of circumstances that I was passing through. This "baptism" of sorts consumed my life, hope, and soul for the better part of the last 9 months. It something that has taken me to the very brink of utter despair but also lifted me up to a new plain of perspective and understanding.
The selfish actions of my ex-wife changed just about everything I was accustomed to. I no longer live in the same house. I no longer am a father. I no longer have the warm embrace of a wife. I no longer have all of the those "warm comforts" that accompany the middle ages of ones life. The first part of this experience was spent trying to grasp to certainty...the last part was spent trying to cope with the realities of my new uncertainty.
I now feel like I have passed through the darkest throes of this harrowing journey and that I can begin to adopt certain aspects of my previous life. I am adopting to a new life as a single man. I am trying and experiencing new things. I am reclaiming certain vestiges of normalcy...things such as this blog.
I have gained valuable insights into the human condition. I have risen and continue to rise from the ashes like the great Phoenix. I am forging a new path for my life and creating new circumstances. I am the ultimate arbiter of my success or failure. I look forward to the challenge ahead. I am reclaiming my blog as one of the means in which I document this journey.

Keep the faith.
